No Laggard in Love: Chapter 9 Review

Previously in No Laggard in Love, Louise Membury is saved, stalked, and saved again by Hamish Black. Hamish is continuously suspicious of her, but brings her into town anyway so that she can call her family.

Chapter 9
Louise contacts Margery on the phone. Margery is worried…because Lynnette has gone missing and the police are after her. Lynnette’s mother is frantic. Margery and Louise’s dad want to drive up north to see Louise. Therefore, Louise gives them a vague idea of where she is and says bye before Margery can ask more specific questions.
Back in the car with Hamish, Louise lets him know that Lynnette has disappeared but not that Lynnette was engaged to Alistair. Hamish then makes Louise go to the local bookstore and purchase some Wow-Wow books. He implies that they are going to get married to each other, and then he whisks her off to his aunt’s place to meet the family.