MVOTD: Parody Festival Continued (Day 144)

Parody's plus Super Junior = fun fun fun. That said, today's music video, a lovely parody of Super Junior-M's Perfection, was one that I agreed with almost instantly. The parodiere is definitely an artist, able to make accurate jokes about numerous Kpop groups while not insulting the fans. So good!

The music video's subs are well done. Perfection's third line which states, "When I first saw these outfits, I thought they were lame", is just too accurate. Seriously. Who wears one cuff of fur on a suit jacket? And the huge fur hats? What was with that? They made it hard to recognize people. And they there a word to describe it? Bad. Anyway, the parody is quite accurate, even the part about the terrible rap. As Super Junior fans know, Henry lived in/is from Canada and has a perfect North American accent but his rap is bad. Therefore, please enjoy.
Is there an ELF who would not enjoy this wonderfulness?