I know I'm a little late with this one, considering that the latest exhibition of these photographs, at the Madelyn Jordon Fine Art gallery, closed November 29th, but I couldn't resist posting something about these wonderful images. This series, titled MINIMIAM (miam means yum in French), was created between 2002 and 2008 and features sixty images of tiny toy figures living in various food landscapes. The insanely creative images are interesting, funny, and mouth watering all at the same time! (I'm especially fond of the man mowing the kiwi.) The fact that the donuts, chocolate mounds, and ice cream cones are photographed so beautifully is not surprising, given that the artists, Pierre Javelle and Akiko Ida, are food photographers whose work has appeared in many gourmet magazines. Visit their Web site for more images and click here for a video about the artists.