MVOTD: End of the Month Review

Another month has come and gone. Here in Southern Manitoba we have had temperatures in the high 20's (Celsius), crazy amounts of brush fires all on the same day, a jet fuel fire (which apparently the BBC covered), and what amounts to a slush storm. ...oh wait... that was all October already, and it's just the 5th. September was actually quite calm and behaved itself. The songs posted for September were;
U-KISSShigeuri (clean version)
GerominoNo One Like You
Xia JunsuTarantellegra
VIXXSuper Hero
Cross GeneLa-Di Da-Di
WooYoung, Suzy, Taecyeon, & J.Y.ParkClassic
C-RealJoma Joma
Julie & AndrewCanadian, Please
U-KISSStop Girl

In order, that makes a U-KISS sandwich.
In all honesty, despite how interesting Woo Young's Classic plotline was, how creative and artistic Willow's Sweater was, and how entertaining I find U-KISS, Xia Junsu's Tarantellegra was going to win from the beginning. It just impressed me too much with the costumes and the make-up and the cinematography and the first half's dancing. Plus Junsu and his twin brother Juno wrote the song pretty much in it's entirety. Tarantellegra was a clear win until Julie & Andrew's Canadian, Please showed its face. Now it has won by being 5% better, and that's a slim margin indeed. Good job anyway.