EXO, who debuted this year in the SM Entertainment family, has done quite well for themselves. As a concept, having 12 guys who learn the same basic song and dance divide into two smaller sub-groups for singing is both fascinating and disturbing. Fascinating, because it's technically two groups singing the same song, and disturbing because it divides the attention normally afforded to one group between two groups.
As I learned with their previous single, with EXO, often the language version you hear first will be your favourite (unless you prefer a certain pitch of voice). Therefore, I was quite pleased to find this, a comparison/mash-up of their new single, History, so you don't have to favour either the Korean or Mandorin version.
History is quite a catchy song, filled with ridiculous fringed (harem) pants and metallic fabric. It's got SM written all over it, and is reminiscent of every major boyband SM has had in the last five years. That's not bad though, since that means pretty decent fashion, dance moves, and song. What isn't reminiscent is the member of EXO-M who looks vaguely like Mr. Du from Skip-Beat!. Good choice SM.