Oh hello 2012

2012. A year to graduate, make tough decisions and then possibly, face the end of the world.

No pressure.

What better (or lazier way) to commence blogging by swimming in a nostalgic sea of saudades*.

Some photographic pictures from yonder years.

A truly enormous tree trunk. Only in America.

After disembarking the world's smallest train in Dungeness.
Playtime in Kunming, China.
Playtime with Nye Guevara in Calpe, Spain.

Peanut saleswomen on the bus to Rivas, Nicaragua.

*Saudades- A portuguese word with no equivalent in any other language (fact). It means 'missing things/people', feeling both nostalgic in a sad and also, happy sort of way.

** Portuguese and Brazilian people have a plethora of saudades.

A song that reminds me of Nicaragua...