Fact: I have narrow ear canals. Because of this, my ears get plugged up sometimes. When it happens I can't hear very well, if at all. While it made napping easier (which is a plus), it makes the rest of life a little more complicated. It also made life a little more disconnected.
You know how you feel like people can't see you when you are wearing really big sunglasses? That's how I feel when my head is plugged up, aka, when my ears are plugged up. I also feel like my head is doing it's own thing. It's just bobbing along and my body is following along, kind of like in a video game. I suppose that kind of feeling, that life isn't actually happening in front of you, is kind of nice once in awhile, but not when you are trying to work. Staying on task is just that little bit more difficult when life feels like a video game, plus the whole having to listen really hard to understand what people are saying thing. It's easier to say what's on your mind though, because it's easier to ignore consequences. Kind of like a false freedom. I guess that's not a perk. I just wanted to talk about it, because I wonder if I'm not alone in feeling all bobbly headed/video gamey/invisible when my head is stuffed up. I sure hope not.