December has been a very cultural month for me. Activities included swing dancing, singing, watching modern dance, and just recently, attending a metal show. The difference between a show and a concert is the number of people, not the love of the fans.
It has been awhile since I was last at a metal show. I forgot about the backpain from standing for so long. I forgot about the tiny crowds. I forgot that half of all metal fans are in highschool. I did remember that it takes a long time for sets/bands to change though, so crocheting in hand, I successfully watched hordes of teenagers run in circles and fling fabric around. Now I understand why people keep large drapy fabrics in their back pockets. Those pieces of fabric are for waving above their heads at shows/concerts. Gives them something to do I guess.
At the metal show I also learned about trends in the local metal scene. Young people (teens) now like to be as close to the band as possible, even touching the guitar while it is being played and jumping on stage beside the singer..alot. Older people (anyone over 20) do not do this, because it is disrepectful and annoying. I guess it doesn't bother high school bands, but groups with older member were visably perturbed, even protecting their guitarists from harrassment. Maybe teens will pick up on this and not try to be so close to older groups, or maybe the rest of us will have to get used to no personal space at shows.
As a final note, the metal scene, like modern dancing crowd, has a distinctive style. I had forgotten about that. Maybe it's good to go see some metal every once in awhile.