The Switch. Possibly one of the most adult movies I have ever seen. I don't mean adult in the sexual way, but in the mature way. In the way that there are no super depressing parts and there are no super ridiculous parts and there are no super funny parts. It is all just kind of like a lumpy pizza dough. The parts are different but they stay in the same emotion range and all relate to the story. Thus, being moderate throughout, the movie is quite adult.
The Plot: Man who likes female friend replaces the donor sperm for her artificial insemination with his own. Years later meets the resulting child. Storyline ensues.
The Interest Factor: The storyline's main draw is not the dramatic issue of the replaced sperm/identity of the father, but the man's attraction to his friend, his revelation that the child is his, and his actions and decisions about what to do in the meantime.
The Result: Pretty good. The story is interesting, intriguing, develops at a slow but moderate pace, and is very close to that "realness" of character that Life is Too Short to Learn German talks about in her Prairie Lit post. There are no antagonists. There are just people, and they are doing people things and trying to figure life out. It's not flashy but not really meaty either. It's like eating humus with grilled peta triangles.
I give The Switch a 3.5 out of 5.