Today's pretend winter theme song is BoA's Hurrican Venus. And yes, she has an accent so it sounds a bit squiffy.
BoA was one of the first K-pop artists that I learned of on my voyages through Youtube. Her song Eat You Up was the first song I had heard in a long long time where the woman was the possessor of her own sexuality. None of that "kiss me, marry me, let me be your girlfriend" stuff. She decided what she was going to do and to whom. As a feminist, that was a big deal.
BoA is a solid dancer and singer. Since her dances are not as sexualized as most female artists, she gets to show her athleticism a lot more instead. In Hurricane Venus, you get to see some of this. Also, you get to see that she's not all glitter and glamour. She wears a ball cap and practical heals. She also wears a hockey mask. That said, the costumes in this one are a wild mix of cool, eclectic, and wrong. The music video is mediocre, but that's okay. Not everything can be epic.