Music Video of the Day (Day 67)

Thanks to Youtube and my curiousity, Beyonce's Love On Top is one of today's music videos. It is reminiscent of those 80's and 90's boybands that I enjoyed so much (NKOB, BSB, and NSYNC) in both song, dance, and cinematic style. Plus, the dancing resembles in no way, shape, or form the skanky-cute style of dancing so prevalent in South Korean girl groups. Beyonce can dance, and she dances well. Other than her dire need for breast support, Love On Top is an enjoyable music video.

The second music video is Super Junior's Mr.Simple. Considering that the costumers had to make over 30 outfits for the music video, it is somewhat impressive that only a handful were bad. Namely, the blue and white shirt on Sungmin, and 67% of Donghae's outfits looking like 80's greaser outfits. To balance things, the white, pink, and grey outfits looked really good on Sungmin. It suited him very well. Shindong also has a good outfit featuring pink and green. He so rarely is given a good outfit, it is refreshing. As far as the song goes, the dance is well done with organic shapes and nice backdrops. The song is catchy, but not too catchy, and the men are attractive. Here it is.