Fotos hein.

Yelle. Back in my life. Listen for instant cool.

The Basque Country and Valencia checking out the Legendary Tigerman on Saturday night.

Some detergent with my name on it. YES!

A sculpture by Ana. It is folded paper moulded by heat. Both eerie and beautiful.

Third plate down: 'Secrets of the black pig'.

I'm intrigued and also slightly appalled.

A scene from Vila Real. The Royal Town.

I love the hotel sign lettering. Reminds me of the Jetsons.

More scary beauty in Geres. A place with fantastic horror movie potential.

What lies beneath hein?

O céu estava lindo de morrer...

Blog of the day. Illustrations inspired by song lyrics.


* Hein: Brazilian Portuguese for 'innit?' 'Really' 'Aha' 'Yeah well' 'Huh?'

Incredibly useful and amusing. Use abundantly to brazilianify your day.