Yelle. Back in my life. Listen for instant cool.
The Basque Country and Valencia checking out the Legendary Tigerman on Saturday night.
Some detergent with my name on it. YES!
A sculpture by Ana. It is folded paper moulded by heat. Both eerie and beautiful.
Third plate down: 'Secrets of the black pig'.
I'm intrigued and also slightly appalled.
A scene from Vila Real. The Royal Town.
I love the hotel sign lettering. Reminds me of the Jetsons.
More scary beauty in Geres. A place with fantastic horror movie potential.
What lies beneath hein?
Blog of the day. Illustrations inspired by song lyrics.
* Hein: Brazilian Portuguese for 'innit?' 'Really' 'Aha' 'Yeah well' 'Huh?'
Incredibly useful and amusing. Use abundantly to brazilianify your day.