Um sábado porreiro. Um sábado Serralves.

Saturday sweetness began with my weekly pilgrimage to Pingo Doce.

Olhando para cima, parecia que a roupa de cama tornava-se em nuvens.

Later we made newspaper picnic mats, ate cookies and listened to jazz. Nice.

Sangria é muito amigo das bolachas.

Calm before the storm.

Cá temos a Bigodinha com uns super bigodes.

Esta foto não demostra bem a altura da nossa Bigodinha.

A juxtaposition of party people.

Mesmo feliz, Mesmo Tigresa, Mesmo Crazy e o Gajo Misterioso.

Suited people getting sick on the floor.

Pretty much how I looked and felt on Sunday.

No domingo redescobri Cap e Pep, uns cães ilustrados por artistas franceses. O seu blog é realmente lindo.

'The Last Sunset' by Lenine is one of my all time favourite songs. Today I discovered his online tutorials showing how to play it. What can I say? A fantastic way to learn the guitar and portuguese. Whence reunited with my guitar I will be on it like a car bonnet.