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Song of the day

"I'll be the feline and you'll be the mice"

Website based distraction of the day

If you like cribs, people with style and links to their blogs THE SELBY is for you.
Procrastination probability = high.

Images of the day

The rooftops of Mara/Brasil street

Terry Richardson in non naked female photo shock.

Poem of the day

by Bertolt Brecht

Schicke mir ein Blatt

Schicke mir ein Blatt, doch von einem Strauche
Der nicht näher als eine halbe Stunde
Von deinem Haus wächst, dann
Mußt du gehen und wirst stark, und ich
bedanke mich für das hübsche Blatt.

Send me a leaf

Send me a leaf, but from a bush
That grows at least one half hour
Away from your house, then
You must go and will be strong, and I
Thank you for the pretty leaf.