The Mixing Bowl: Eton Mess (Strawberries and Cream) by Dicky Bird

Liz Wells from Dicky Bird just sent over this super cute illustration with a super cute title, Eton Mess, for her Mixing Bowl recipe, which is not surprising given all the super cute images on her Web site. That’s a lot of super cutes, but what can I say? It’s friggin super cute! The recipe itself, a version of the classic strawberries and cream combo, is a cinch to make and could easily be mixed and matched with all the different fruits available during the spring/summer season. Just buy your favorite fruit, whip up some meringue, and dig in!

From Liz: Strawberries & Cream - the best combo ever created, mixed up with crunchy-on-the-outside and squishy-on-the-inside homemade meringue - it’s just so delicious.

Dicky Bird is a fantastic greeting card company based in London. Influenced by nature, mid-century design, and Japanese culture, Liz creates whimsical and colorful designs that are completely delightful. I'm especially fond of the "fairy tale" cards, like the Goldilocks card pictured below. Love those! To check out the full collection and to shop online, click here. Thank you, Liz, for sharing this wonderful sweet treat!

You can find the complete recipe for  Eton Mess after the jump.

Eton Mess 

175g golden caster sugar
3 egg whites
450g strawberries
1 rounded tablespoon unrefined icing sugar
570ml double cream

1 / Weigh out your caster sugar, so it’s ready to go.

2 / Place 3 egg whites in a very clean bowl and whisk until you get ‘soft peaks’ (that slightly tip over when you lift the whisk). Add the caster sugar a little at a time until it’s completely whisked in.

3 / Take rounded dessertspoonfuls of the mixture and place them in rows on a lined baking tray. Put them on the middle shelf of the oven (preheated to 150°C), turn the heat down to 140°C and leave for 1 hour. Then turn the oven off and leave the meringues overnight to dry out.

5+6 / Whip up the double cream. Chop half the strawberries and, together with the icing sugar, whizz up into a puree. Pass through a sieve to remove the seeds.

7 / Chop the rest of the strawberries and break the meringues into rough pieces. Place them in a large mixing bowl together and fold in the cream.

8 / Finally, gently fold in all but 2 tablespoons of the puree to create a pretty marbled effect. Pile into a serving dish, spoon the rest of the puree over the top and eat!