It seemed a sad time to leave Cantabria. The Santander festival was begining and little by little,the bay was begining to fill with small tents selling tapas, live grafitti acts, musicians and blue painted people.
Nonetheless, I was excited to visit Salamanca. A city famous for its jamon, and beautiful architecture which is covered with beautiful lettering, some of which was previously painted in Bulls Blood. Hardcore!
More than anything, I was thrilled to be reunited with my musical amiga Laura Franek.
Whilst rowing, she serenaded us with the soundtrack of Pocahontas and the first semester spanish love song (see below- the genius that is all the sleezy-cheezy lines you can learn on an intensive language course).
In the Plaza Mayor (which is my favourite one to date), I spied a lady looking pensive on her balcony.
At the entrance to the Cathedral I spied an astronuaght!
Salamanca receives 5 estrellas. It is an incredible city with amazing food, a lovely ambient and gente cojonuda.